How to download using Torrent for Newbies

Most of the people (okay i mean especially women) ask me about how to download movies, mp3’s, ebooks, applications, TV shows. So i’ve chosen to describe it in the less complex way as i can.

First of all, we need a program. I will call this program a “client”. You can download  it via this link: utorrent.

After the download and install of the client (i mean utorrent), we have to decide what to download. Lets consider last episode of How I Met Your Mother.

Now we have to choose a tracker (webpage i mean) to download the file. I use The Pirate Bay or BTjunkie for most of the times. So i recommend you to use these pages too. For this time i will explain the process using BTjunkie.

So we write the “How I Met Your Mother” to the search area in the btjunkie page. This will show us couple of different files. In this point there are some important terminologies to know.

Seed : Shows how much people has the file.

Leech : Shows how much people download the file.

Size : Shows how big is a file (especially some bigger files represent more quality and long time to download)

Green up or Red down icons with numbers on it : Shows how many people approved that file as “clean – correct”. If  a file is infected or fake, this icon turns red so don’t download it. If it is green with a large number, you can download it with no hesitation.

Now we’ve chosen a file with large number of seeds so we clicked on it. In the page coming, you’ll see a link with “Download Torrent”. Click on it so the web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome etc) will as you to where to save the file. Choose desktop. This file is not the file that you want to download. This file only contains the information about your download for your client. Double click on it to open.

Your client will pop-up to learn where you want to download the file. Choose any location (I use my D:/ drive for my downloads) then click ok. Now your download begins.

Depending on your bandwidth (internet speed) , seed and leech, your download time will be longer or shorter. When your download is over, you’ll see your downloading icon on your client will be uploading. You can stop anytime you want. Now your file is ready to go.

There are some important points that you’ll need to know;

If you don’t upload file after you download the file for a while, your download speed may get slower after a while. Remember; if you don’t upload your file, you may result someone to not to find the file. So it may happen to you. One hand washes the other, two hands wash the face.

When you get in the “Download Torrent” page, read the comments below. They may include crutial details about the file.

Always try to choose files with greater seed.



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